Sometime in 2019, I met a Gentleman in Nashville Tennessee while touring some shops with our ClearCut measuring system, called Duan Coqui.
We spent some time looking around his shop and talking about the industry.
Our paths crossed a couple more times and in the beginning of 2020 we spent a few days together in Mexico while we were supporting our partners Cosentino at their C100 event and he was receiving awards for Stoneworld’s success. We talked a lot about our water recycling systems … and maybe drank a few beers …

Then a few weeks later at the beginning of March I start reading online about a huge Tornado hitting Nashville area. I texted Duan to find that my worst fears were true and his shop had been all but destroyed by the Tornado, but thank god that everyone was OK.
The shop however, was all but gone.
A lot of people right now would give up. Total write off and a huge huge amount of work to do.
Clearly not Duan and probably this is why we are friends. I have met very few people in my life with his attitude.
We spoke and he was already in the process of finding another building …. amazing.
A couple of days later I get a message saying he has found a building and some machines available really quickly, from Joe at Poseidon machinery in Florida, but needs water recycling. Cue many, many phone calls (and here I will admit that a lot were just because he made me laugh so much) to find him a machine …. fast.

By sheer chance, we had that morning had a client whose machine was already on the water have his own new building delayed. The incoming machine was a little larger than Stoneworld needed, but would work and they could have it within a couple of weeks and we had time to build another for the original client.

Now all this is going on in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and I was in the US so planned to head to Nashville and look at the new shop to finalise everything …. then everything changed. I had to leave for the UK, but we managed to work everything out via video call and phone and we diverted the machine to Tennessee.
We are fortunate to work with some great technical people and one, Doug Jackson is fairly local and also knows Duan so was able to get the machine installed for them double quick.

The first piece of equipment up and running in the new shop was a spanking new Turrini Claudio DEP 600 , fully automatic, on demand, water recycling machine, that they turn on in the morning and off at night and gives them super clean, recycled water, supplying all the machines.
The recycled water is further filtered for the spindles of the brand new Poseidon T-Rex CNC machine, so there is no reliance on city water whatsoever.
So just over 7 weeks after total destruction, Stoneworld of Tennessee was reborn.
New shop, new machines, same vigour and I feel more energy than ever before.
Getting up and running again with nothing is a phenomenally tall order, but with determination and the right partners, who are also willing (and able) to move heaven and earth, it’s totally achievable.
SO, the next time you think you are having a crappy day, scroll up and take a look again at that video …..
Duan, thank you for putting your faith in Turrini USA, we are so proud to have helped you in your mammoth effort to restart.
You inspire me and I promise that as soon as Mr Trump lifts the restrictions we will be having those many drinks we have been talking so much about. Who knew it would be this long …..
If you are looking for a water recycling system, give Stoneworld (or ANY of our other customers worldwide) a call, they would be happy to talk to you about it and you would be welcome to go see it working !